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// window[callback]([1]['param'],[1]['value']); // break; case 'setCCPaymentUrl': spendinoJquery.getScript('', function () { openCCPopUp(data); setTimeout(function () { spendinoJquery('#wirecard-hpp-container').css('z-index', '110050'); }, 500); }); break; case 'startLoadingAnimation': window['spendinoLoadingAnimation' + formId]('start'); //spendinoLoadingAnimation//('start'); break; case 'stopLoadingAnimation': // debugger; window['spendinoLoadingAnimation' + formId]('stop'); // spendinoLoadingAnimation6825('stop'); break; case 'fullBlock': spendinoBlockUI('start'); break; case 'fullUnBlock': spendinoBlockUI('stop'); break; case 'iframeDataLayer': if (data.hasOwnProperty('event')) { window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; window.dataLayer.push(data); } break; case 'cssTag': spendinoJquery('head').append(data); break; case 'jsTag': spendinoJquery('head').append('